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Location: S.R.Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana
ADB | Asian Development Bank |
ADRs | American Depository Receipts |
AIFIs | All India Financial Institutions |
ALBM | Automated Lending and Borrowing Mechanism |
ALBRS | Automated Lending and Borrowing under Rolling Settlement |
AMC | Asset Management Company |
AMFI | Association of Mutual Funds in India |
ASC | Accounting Standards Committee |
ASBA | Applications Supported by Blocked Amount |
ATM | At-The-Money |
ATSs | Alternative trading system |
B2B | Business-to-Business |
BIFR | Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction |
BIS | Bank for International Settlement |
BLESS | Borrowing and Lending Securities Scheme |
BMC | Base Minimum Capital |
BSE | The Stock Exchange, Mumbai |
CBDT | Central Board of Direct Taxes |
CC | Clearing Corporation |
CCIL | Clearing Corporation of India Limited |
CDs | Certificate of Deposits |
CDSL | Central Depository Services (India) Limited |
CFM | Carry Forward Margin |
CFRS | Carry Forward under Rolling Settlement |
CH | Clearing House |
CIMC | Collective Investment Management Company |
CISs | Collective Investment Schemes |
CIVs | Collective Investment Vehicles |
CLF | Collateralized Lending Facility |
CM | Clearing Member |
CM | Segment Capital Market Segment of NSE |
CMIE | Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy |
COSI | Committee on Settlement Issues |
COTI | Committee of Trade Issues |
CP | Custodial Participant |
CPs | Commercial Papers |
CRAs | Credit Rating Agencies |
CRISIL | Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited |
CRR | Cash Reserve Ratio |
CSD | Collateral Security Deposit |
CSE | Calcutta Stock Exchange |
DCA | Department of Company Affairs |
DDBs | Deep Discount Bonds |
DEA | Department of Economic Affairs |
DFIs | Development Financial Institutions |
DNS | Deferred Net Settlement |
DPs | Depository Participants |
DRR | Debenture Redemption Reserve |
DSCE | Debt Securities Convertible into Equity |
DVP | Delivery versus Payment |
ECB | Euro Commercial Borrowings |
ECNS | Electronic communication Networks |
EDGAR | Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval |
EDIFAR | Electronic Data Information Filing and Retrieval |
EFT | Electronic Fund Transfer |
ELSS | Equity Linked Saving Schemes |
EPS | Earning Per Share |
ETFs | Exchange Traded Funds |
F&O | Futures and Options |
FCCBs | Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds |
FDI | Foreign Direct Investment |
FDRs | Foreign Deposit Receipts |
FDs | Fixed Deposits |
FIBV | International World Federation of Stock Exchanges |
FIIs | Foreign Institutional Investors |
FIMMDA | Fixed Income Money Markets and Derivatives Association |
FIs | Financial Institutions |
FRAs | Forward Rate Agreements |
FVCIs | Foreign Venture Capital Investors |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
GDRs | Global Deposit Receipts |
GDS | Gross Domestic Savings |
GNP | Gross National Product |
GOI | Government of India |
G-Sec | Government Securities |
I-BEX | ICICI Securities Bond Index |
IBRD | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development |
ICAI | Institute of Chartered Accountants of India |
ICDR | Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements |
ICICI | Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Limited. |
ICSE | Inter-Connected Stock Exchange of India Limited |
IDBI | Industrial Development Bank of India |
IFC | International Finance Corporation |
IFSD | Interest Free Security Deposit |
IIM | Indian Institute of Management |
IISL | India Index Services and Products Limited |
IOC | Immediate or Cancel |
IOSCO | International Organization of Securities Commission |
IPF | Investor Protection Fund |
IPO | Initial Public Offer |
IRDA | Insurance Regulatory and Devevlopment Authority |
IRS | Interest Rate Swap |
ISIN | International Securities Identification Number |
ISSA | International Securities Services Association |
IT | Information Technology |
ITM | In-The-Money |
LAF | Liquidity Adjustment Facility |
LIC | Life Insurance Corporation of India Limited |
MCFS | Modified Carry Forward System |
MFs | Mutual Funds |
MFSS | Mutual Fund Service System |
MIBID | Mumbai Inter-bank Bid Rate |
MIBOR | Mumbai Inter-bank Offer Rate |
MMMF | Money Market Mutual Fund |
MNCs | Multi National Companies |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MTM | Mark-To-Market |
NASDAQ | National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System |
NAV | Net Asset Value |
NBFCs | Non-Banking Financial Companies |
NCAER | National Council for Applied Economic Research |
NCDs | Non-convertible Debentures |
NCFM | NSE’s Certification in Financial Markets |
NDS | Negotiated Dealing System |
NEAT | National Stock Exchange Automated Trading |
NGOs | Non Government Organizations |
NIBIS | NSE’s Internet-based Information System |
NIC | National Informatics Centre |
NPAs | Non Performing Assets |
NRIs | Non Resident Indians |
NSCCL | National Securities Clearing Corporation of India Limited |
NSDL | National Securities Depository Limited |
OCBs | Overseas Corporate Bodies |
OECLOB | Open Electronic Consolidated Limit Order Book |
OIS | Overnight Index Swaps |
ORS | Order Routing System |
OTC | Over the Counter |
OTCEI | Over the Counter Exchange of India Limited |
OTM | Out-of the-Money |
P/E ratio | Price Earning Ratio |
PAN | Permanent Account Number |
PCM | Professional Clearing Member |
PDAI | Primary Dealers Association of India |
PDO | Public Debt Office |
PDs | Primary Dealers |
PRI | Principal Return Index |
PRISM | Parallel Risk Management System |
PSUs | Public Sector Undertakings |
PV | Present Value |
QIBs | Qualified Institutional Buyers |
RBI | Reserve Bank of India |
ROCs | Registrar of Companies |
RTGS | Real time Gross Settlement |
S&P | Standard and Poor’s |
SAT | Securities Appellate Tribunal |
SC(R)A | Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 |
SC(R)R | Securities Contracts (Regulation) Rules, 1957 |
SCMRD | Society for Capital Market Research and Development |
SDs | Satellite Dealers |
SEBI | Securities and Exchange Board of India |
SEC | Securities Exchange Commission |
SGF | Settlement Guarantee Fund |
SGL | Subsidiary General Ledger |
SGX-DT | The Singapore Exchange Derivatives Trading Limited |
SIPC | Securities Investor Protection Corporation |
SLR | Statutory Liquidity Ratio |
SPAN | Standard Portfolio Analysis of Risks |
SPV | Special Purpose Vehicle |
SROs | Self Regulatory Organizations |
SSS | Securities Settlement System |
STP | Straight Through Processing |
STRIPS | Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities |
SUS 99 | Special Unit Scheme 99 |
T-Bills | Treasury Bills |
TDS | Tax Deducted at Source |
TM | Trading Member |
TRI | Total Return Index |
UTI | Unit Trust of India |
VAR | Value at Risk |
VCFs | Venture Capital Funds |
VCUs | Venture Capital Undertakings |
VSAT | Very Small Aperture Terminal |
WAN | Wide Area Network |
WAP | Wireless Application Protocol |
WDM | Wholesale Debt Market Segment of NSE |
YTM | Yield to Maturity |
ZCYC | Zero Coupon Yield Curve |